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Make change work for you.

Change gives you a period of time to think about

what you really want your future to look like; 

to consider all possible options available to you;

to call on and possibly rekindle your support systems;

and to decide on what actions you need to take to get things going.

As your coach, I can help you with this process. 

Coaching is all about you.

It begins where you are now and ends when you reach your goal.

It is driven by your future vision and guided by the roadmap you design.

It works because of your commitment, openness and honesty. 

As your coach, I’m your advocate. I support, encourage, and keep you on track.

I invite you to consider coaching as a support tool.

There is more information about the coaching process and what to expect.

You can schedule a free, 30-minute information session

to discuss your goals and answer any questions you might have.

If coaching looks like a good fit,  schedule a 50-minute coaching session.

Thank you for your interest. I look forward to meeting you

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